About Us
Great Plains Biotechnology was formed on June 1st 2013 and has already started to support biotechnology companies and investors. Want to find out more about our company and how we might help you?
Please meet Dr. Martin below. We look forward to working with you!

Dr. Tyler Martin
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
Email: tyler@greatplainsbiotech.com
Phone: 402-975-2130
Dr. Martin is a Nebraska native with more than 20 years of experience in the biotechnology industry. He has led development activities to support more than 100 Investigational New Drug (IND) Applications, and developed four drugs that eventually received FDA or EMA approval. He has held senior leadership positions in a number of biotech companies including Chiron (purchased by Novartis for $8.6B), Sangamo (current market cap, $500M) and most recently Dynavax (current market cap, $900M). Three years ago, he returned to Nebraska planning to start a consulting practice and biotech incubator. Today, he is the Chairman and CEO of Great Plains Biotechnology, a consulting company with headquarters in Lincoln, NE. Great Plains was founded in Nebraska to enable capital efficient operations and exploit Dr. Martin’s life science leadership expertise and professional network. Dr. Martin also leads emerging companies in the Great Plains portfolio. He is currently Chairman, President & CEO of Adjuvance Technologies, a private vaccine adjuvant company with offices in New York and Lincoln, based on intellectual property from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is also Chairman and CEO of Hudson Biotechnology, a private vaccine company based in Lincoln that aspires to develop a vaccine against Lyme Disease. He serves as Chairman of the Board for UNIVAC Technologies, a private vaccine company based in Brussels, Belgium. He serves on the boards of the European Union Society of Translational Medicine, the Vaccine Policy Advisory Board of BIO, the Biodefense Policy Advisory Board of BIO, UNeMed, EPSCor, BioNebraska, and Redeemer Seminary.
Dr. Martin received a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and an MD degree from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, where he was named the outstanding student in Pediatrics. He was a resident in Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and was a post-doctoral fellow in Molecular Microbiology and Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Washington University in St. Louis where he was named the outstanding teaching fellow at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.